A3: Context Awareness
Last revised: 9 pm Friday, June 8, 2019Android Goals:
HCI Goals:
- Create an app that uses implicit data
- Make a usable app as defined by the SUS when evaluated by a TA
- Make an accessible app
Task for Assignment
You have learned many things this quarter. Now is your chance to use them to create something larger than any one assignment we did. In this assignment, that could include an existing interface but must also use context somehow.
Kinds of Context
There are 3 kinds of context aware applications, which function in the following ways:
- Attach context information for retrieval later (e.g., Leave a note while at CSE; when come back to CSE the day after, user can see the note again)
- Automatically execute things (e.g., Automatically suggest a new navigation route when a driver exits from a wrong ramp.)
- Present info based on context (e.g., Send a notification of bus schedule when user is at bus station)
You may build an utility app or game, and you should use at least two fences (one of them must be location).
If you want to start with an existing app, you could think about how to extend the drawing app to be context aware. For example, you could support loading of drawings based on location (you could store them in the bundle and only provide access to drawings that were created in the current location). Or, you could automatically undo the last action whenever the user runs, and redo it when they walk and do nothing when they hold still. Finally, the colors available could change depending upon what location you are in (maybe purple is only available on the UW campus!).
Important Assessment goals
We will be looking for whether you app is accessible and usable. Although there isn’t a simple scale available for assessing context-aware applications, we have modified the system usability scale ( SUS) as follows and will use it to assess your app (each rated from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree on a 5 point scale)
1) I think that I would like to keep using this app.
2) I found the system unnecessarily complex.
3) I thought the system was easy to use.
4) I found the use of implicit and explicit data in this app to be well integrated.
5) I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system.
6) I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly.
7) I found the system very cumbersome to use.
8) I felt very confident using the system.
Group Project
This is a group project. We will assign you to groups to make sure every group has an android phone.
We will also assess the group experience as part of the grade. This will be based on a survey at the end asking you to describe your contributions, your group members’ contributions and mention any issues. We expect everyone to get full credit for this point, but will be using this to check for any problems.
The video for this project should be about 2 minutes long (+/- 30 secs). It can be made with slides/photos + video clips for the visuals, and you can either use text (shown in the video) or spoken audio to provide the information listed below. It should have the following structure:
Opening slide
Should use text, not voiceover for this.
Title for the project Names of team members
Brief (30 second) introduction to what you created. Should cover the following
- What is the need (e.g. “Remembering not to be late for class”)
- Why is this hard (e.g. “I tend to sleep late”)
- What is the solution (e.g. “Calculate distance to class an hour before class starts and set an alarm to go off with enough time to walk there”)
Pick 1-3 use scenarios and show clips of someone using the application with explanations
End with credits saying who did what in the project
Turn in your code, an apk file and a video.
This video will serve as the demonstration for the modified SUS assessment. You can use captions or voice-over to explain your application.
Submission Instructions
You submit this assignment on canvas:
- Files to turn in:
: a ZIP file containing your sourcevideo.mp4
: your video (other filetypes also work) unless using a video hosting website such as YouTubecontext.apk
: Your apk
- Then, make a comment on your submission with:
- A link to your repository. Make sure that we have access to it by
giving access to the
if visible to you, otherwiserfrowe
- Brief notes on anything you wish to tell us about your assignment
- These will be visible to all group members
- Link to your hosted video (unless you turned in a video file)
- A link to your repository. Make sure that we have access to it by
giving access to the
- In Addition: every member of your group should fill out this group participation survey
Grading (5pts)
- Part 1: App (3 pts)
- Use location and another sensor: 1pt
- App is context-aware: 1pt
- App is accessible: 1 pt
- You score well on the modified SUS when evaluated by a TA
- Group participation: 1pt
In peer grading survey,
- We will ask what type of context is used
- Ask if the app is enjoyable, in a Likert scale
- Prompt to write a paragraph feedback
Late policy: Since context uses half days, all group members must have at least 1/2 day left to get a free late day